Monthly Archives: July 2011

Dock your pizza dough

So today we cleaned up our new place a bit. We were having friends over for pizza. I forgot to dock the pizza dough on the 3rd pizza I made for bread sticks. I usually forget to just salt it. It is prone to get bubbles but never this bad.

It still came out ok for the most part.

Our friends brought over some nice fruit salad and sunflowers.


After they left Angel and I went for a nice bike ride to UofO and back as it got darker out.

First Post

First day in Eugene, had a wonderful day bike ride with my girlfriend. We rode from our house, along the Amazon Creek bike path Fern Ridge Bike Path, out to the end at Meadowlark Prairie. We later rode to University of Oregon and back to Amazon Park to watch some bike polo.

Nice day out.



Here is a video edited by Angel.

Eugene First Bike Ride from Austin McKimmey on Vimeo.