Tag Archives: eugene

I have been thing about starting to post again on my site.

Until I figure out how to work WordPress again, and I find things to write about. Here is a video Angel made during the first new back in the beginning of December, Enjoy!

Holiday Swarm On Willamette Street

Holiday Swarm on Willamette Street
Yesterday was the Holiday Swarm on  South Willamette  Street for pedestrians and cyclists to get out and do some last minute shopping the weekend before Christmas. The Swarm was planned by a group of citizens to show  the city, and businesses along the street, that pedestrians and cyclists are in large numbers along the road, shopping at their stores and enjoying the community along Willamette, even on days like this.

There were a lot of pedestrians and cyclists, though the video doesn’t show them all. It was taken over a short time, and lots were spread out along the entire street, shopping and eating at all the different businesses South Willamette Street has to offer. Notice all the cars out, most are just passing through this nice little section of town, skipping over these shops. I hope the businesses consider how much pedestrians and cyclists mean to them. Improvements for the street are in the works and being discussed with members of the community to help rejuvenate this section of Willamette street. With a bond measure passed last November, one of the plans is to repave and better redesign the layout of the street to be more multi-modal. There will hopefully be much better pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the road with nicer vehicle lanes to help make traveling to and along Willamette Street much nicer.

Here is other info about the Holiday Swarm onWillamette Street.
Holiday Swarm Willamette Facebook Page, & Event
Story From The Register Guard

When I Wasn’t Posting

I haven’t been posting a lot lately, not because I haven’t been doing anything. If anything it’s because I have been doing too much. With the winter months coming, the day light is getting short, but I still find lots to do. Here are some photos from things Angel and I have been up to, but haven’t had time to post.
Afternoon at the bookstore. Nice late night mug of hot carocoa. (Carob, chocolate free)
Spent some time trying to make my grandma’s recipe for pizzelle vegan for Angel. It worked out alright, although they ended up a little more crunchy then they should be. I still need to spend some time tweaking it. I ended up making 2 batches, the first batter failed miserably. *reminder to self, don’t use the solid fat from coconut milk, It just melts everywhere, and doesn’t work.
Pizzelle Time First Pizzelles of the season
I got some new rain gear for this winter season. Showers Pass makes great rain gear, the Club Convertible 2 Pants, and Club Shoe Cover are the new addition with my rain cape. The pants and shoe covers work awesome. My good old rain cape on the other hand, hasn’t ever really held up to heavy wind and rain. Maybe someday I will replace the cape with something nicer, but until then my rain cape is great for shorter rides around the city, and my rain pants and booties will do their job well.
All rain geared up this morning. End of the day.
We spent some time hiking around Mount Pisgah Arboretum. With a nice break in the weather that day, we spent a couple hours exploring around. You can watch a video of the trip in my post from yesterday, or here on YouTube.
Untitled Interesting white hairy moss looking fungi?
Oak Gall Angel
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
Mushroom from below Untitled
It looks like a painting Untitled
The days around Thanksgiving were spent cleaning and setting up our Christmas tree. My mom sent me all my ornaments so we had something to hang on our tree this year. And we just lazed around a bit.
Christmas Tree Lit and Ornamentized. This is how Angel naps
I had some time to organize my work space, hang out with friends a little, meet new friend, play with tesla coils, and go to the library. What could be better?
Our new dishes. Thanks Mom, Kyle and Brooke. Blackberry Forest Soda, strong color, strong amazing taste.
Tesla Coil fun with a fluorescent light bulb at the Eugene Maker Space. My work shop put together and organized.
@shanerh @EugeneSRTS , Hello, if I don't see you inside the library today. Thought I lost my Ortlieb shoulder strap while coming home from work. To my surprise it was at home the whole time, just where I left it.
Angel made some great baklava!  It was the first time I ever had it, it was delicious, so tasty and sweet. I don’t normally eat too much sugar, and after having a bit I felt a little rush. *After writing that last sentence, I must go to the fridge and eat some more. **reminder to self, don’t eat more then one piece, again, too much sugar.
Baklava, Angel's first time making it. First time I tried it. Results are good.

Angel and Her Videos

Angel has been spending a lot of time over the past year taking video footage and teaching herself to edit them. In November she even spoke at an event in Seattle, talking about how easy it is to take and edit videos with whatever gear you have.

Along with taking photos, Angel started taking some simple video with her basic Canon Powershot SD1400 IS. The camera took pretty nice video, 720p HD. She used the camera every day and it has the wear marks to show for it.

Angel's old Canon SD1400 IS
She replaced the camera in April, after the camera focusing motor started to act up and make weird noises, a couple weeks after that she accidentally dropped the camera, cracking the screen. It was time for a new one, so she bought the Canon Powershot 110HS. This was a nice up grade for her. Allowing for full 1080p HD video shooting. She has taken a lot of great photos and videos with the camera. This is what she currently uses for almost everything.
Angel's Canon Powershot 110HS
Along with those cameras, she also occasionally uses the  GoPro HD Hero I picked up at an REI Garage Sale last year. We have been able to take a lot of great video with this.
My new camera poll worked out pretty well on today's trip.
With the use of these cameras, and her MacBook Pro with iMovie, she is able to make these great little videos. In the past couple weeks she has made some of my favorite videos.

In Monday Tradition, she simply filmed what she did on Mondays, when she’s not at school, and I’m at work. Featuring one her favorite places to get vegan biscuits and gravy, Wandering Goat.

Mount Pisgah Hike, last week we spent a couple short hours, while it was dry out, hiking around Mount Pisgah.

Winter Soup, This is a great short little video of her making soup. She makes a big pot of soup almost every week, then eats it thought the week. A friend had asked her how she makes it. She had a great creative way to share it with them. You can read about it, and see the recipe HERE.

You can watch more of Angel’s great videos by going to my BreadBikeBlog YouTube Channel. Most the videos on there have been made by Angel. Some she helped me with, but now because of her I can help shoot video footage and help her produce great videos.

Halloween and Moonlight Monster Mash 2012

Yesterday was Halloween, Angel and I carved some pumpkins. Nothing fancy. I prefer a classic jack-0-lantern. We re-used some past costumes, Angel went as a fox and I went as a Frog.

IMG_7498So every month here in Eugene there is a gathering of cyclists who ride under the full moon. The Moonlight Mash is always fun with music and friends. This month the full moon was actually on the 29th but the ride was held instead on Halloween (Wednesday the 31st) so that it would be a lot more fun. We got to ride through the neighborhood streets of Eugene, entertaining the kids and parents as they were trick or treating. We got a lot of hooting and hollering. It was a great ride. Sadly, though there were many great costumes out there tonight, due to the darkness and riding, there is not much to share in the realm of photos, but there are a couple from before it got too dark, along with the jack-o-lanterns Angel and I carved this year and carried on our bikes as we rode.
Our pumpkins going for a bike ride tonight.
We put some spare rear red bike lights inside the pumpkins to make them glow; it worked out wonderfully.

If you are interested in joining the Moonlight Mash for a ride you can find out all the information on their Facebook Page Here.
Here is a previous post about the Moonlight Mash.

IMG_7501As alway, it’s nice to stop at Falling Sky Brewing for some great microbrew sodas, Watermelon Fizz, Carrot Ginger,and Strawberry-n-Spice(my favorite of the night).

I hope everyone had a good Halloweeen last night.

Photos From August

It has been a while since my last post. I have been really busy lately, with some trips, visitors, work, moving into a new place, and Angel’s birthday. Here are just a couple photos from the past couple weeks.

Angel at our awesome wrap around counter. The counter tops in our new home, handmade tile made by our landlords.
My new bike commute distance and time. It triples my old commute of .33miles. Now only if I didn't forget my lock and water bottle. Great road find today. An Ikea Table Top and Legs. It will work as well as a brand new one does.
The start of the Cargo Bike Roll Call. Cetma
Carcassonne Waffle Sunday Instated at our new place
Just hanging up some shades. Just upgraded the RAM in Angels MacBook Pro.
A penguin @brettpond My KitchenAid all set up.
Angel won the first round of her new birthday present, Hive. Nice game of Hive outside.
Out for a ride in the park. Angel's Birthday Chocolate Pie from Sweet Life.
Angel with her pie. Those fries look and were perfect with the Bocas tonight.

July Bike Camping with Friends

Last week Angel and I went on our first camping trip of the summer. We haven’t had enough time since she got done with the school for summer. We went with two of our friends Tuesday night until Wednesday morning. This was a quick bike camping trip we spontaneously decided to do just days before. It was super fun. The weather called for some rain and thunder, and that is what we got. Even so, it was fun.

Due to the secret location of where we camped, I’m only going to post the elevation of what we did. There were some great hills with some gravel logging roads on the way home.
Bike Camping Trip July 17-18

We left Eugene late in the evening, just a couple hours before sunset. It was a nice ride through the country with some nice hills between here and where we camped. Right before we arrived at the camping location we started hearing some thunders. And right when we got there it started sprinkling, although that ended really fast and it didn’t rain anymore that night.
Bikes all ready for bike camping. Hans and Canten
Hans Angel
Canten Inside the tent.
The next morning one of our friends had to leave early to get back to work on time. So it was just 3 of us on the way home. We took our time because none of us had anything to get to that day. We took a longer way home, featuring some long down hill gravel roads where Angel ended up getting a rear flat tire at one point, which got patched up quickly. We got a nice strong bout of rain at one point, which let up quickly. And we only had a couple very small spouts of rain after that. We ended up coming across one of Oregon’s many covered bridges.
Tent in the morning. My good old Surly.
Short Stop Angel's Linus Mixte 3speed, she does so good with so few gears.
Hans doesn't like the rain. Angel's prepared with her rain cape.
Covered Bridge Inside the bridge.
Smooth roads. A stop for some fresh chipseal.Here is a 360° Photo from a clear cut along our route.
Bike Camping 360

Overall it was a great trip and ride. Angel did super well riding her Linus Mixte 3speed, climbing most the hills with no or very little (at least verbal) complaints. Hopefully soon we can get her something with more gears. I’m just trying to figure out what frame would be great for her right now. Hopefully doing an internally geared hub again like a Nexus or Alfine 8 or maybe even an Alfine 11. I’m sure she would appreciate it. It was a great trip, and I hope Angel and I can go on more trips like this before the end of the summer.

Here are Angels Photos:
IMG_3955 IMG_3957 IMG_3959 IMG_3960 IMG_3962 IMG_3965 IMG_3969 IMG_3971 IMG_3972 IMG_3975 IMG_3977 IMG_3979 IMG_3986 IMG_3988 IMG_3989 IMG_3992 IMG_3995 IMG_4001 IMG_4002 IMG_4004

Photo: Mid June – Early July

Here is a collection of photos I haven’t posted from Mid June to Early July. There are a lot of photos in here I like including fresh cookies, new bike tools, fun trips, and fireworks. Enjoy!

Toasted Nose and Watermelon I wish I had a carbon drive.
Present left by a friend New MKS Pedals for Angel's Bike
Fresh Chocolate Chipless Cookies for Me!!! Flower
Fire Truck on River Bike Path My New Playmobil Cyclist
Blonde Headed Girl Park Tool TS-2.2, Thank You, MC
Out for a ride. Nutcase Helmet Detail
Angel's New Keen Newport H2s Vegan Chocolate with Coffee Syrup
Untitled Homemade Sodas, Honeybush; Cucumber Genie; Cran-Marionberry
Moonlight Mash Little Fern
Sunset Over Fern Ridge Sunset Over Fern Ridge 2
Sunset Over Fern Ridge 3 180° View of the Firework from the Butte
Untitled Eugene from the Butte
Thank you to Jim Stein for all your help, and the excellent tool. Dinner
Club Nintendo Hanafuda Cards Club Nintendo Hanafuda Cards

HJ Andrews Experimental Forest

Last year in my Environmental Science Class at Chemeketa Community College our professor took us to H.J Andrews for a field trip. Angel did the same trip the year before with her sister when they took the class. Since then both Angel and I have wanted to go back together and explore. This past weekend, we got our chance.

H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest is located in the Cascade mountains just west of Blue River, Oregon. Covering 15,800acres (24.68mi2), the forest is administered cooperatively by the USDA Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Research Station, Oregon State University, and the Willamette National Forest. The forest is used for research, including long term research, as well as education, but the public are welcome to come visit and hike select trails. There is some information you should know before tromping through the forest though. (Visitor Info) I don’t believe many people come out here to hike. Most people I talk to about it have never even heard of it, with longer and more extensive trails to bike in more well known parts of the Willamette National Forest just a couple miles down the road. At HJ there are two public use trails to hike. Lookout Creek Old-Growth Trail(3.5mi one way) goes along Look Out Creek through beautiful old-growth forest. Your other option is the Carpenter Mountain Lookout Trail (1.6mi), which is a short hike, that consists of stunning views of the forests of the Cascade Mountains and Wolf Rock.  There is a lot going on at HJ Andrews, if you are interested in finding out more please checkout their site and read about the wonderful and interesting research that is going on there, along with all the other interesting information. andrewsforest.oregonstate.edu/ More links at the bottom of the page.

Angel and I hiked some of the lower Lookout Creek Old-Growth Trail, and I was able to try out my new camera mount for my GoPro that I made out of $12 worth of 7 feet of threaded PVC pipe. It helped to allow me to get higher and farther reaching camera views without unnecessarily crushing vegetation, in out of reach spots and in the water without freezing my hands off like I am used to. It worked out pretty well, I can’t wait to use it more on future adventures, hopefully more with clear water.

Here are the photos I took from our hike.
Look-Out Ridge at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest Lookout Creek Old-Growth Trail at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
Bear Stump Large Stump
Weird Lichen Untitled
Another Large Stump Cornus canadensis, Canadian Dwarf Cornel, Canadian Bunchberry, Quatre-temps, Crackerberry
Fungi Deep in the trails
Log Bridge Log Stairs
Oplopanax horridum, Devil's Walking Cane, Devil's Walking Stick, Devil's Club Blue River Reservoir
Land Slide My new camera poll worked out pretty well on today's trip.

Here are some other links about HJ Andrews Experimental Forest:
Visitors, 2
Students and Teachers
Old Growth Virtual Tour
Creative Writers Collaboration
Forest Map Collection
PDF: HJ Andrews brochure
PDF: HJ Andrews Map, Backside
PDF: Lookout Creek Old-Growth Trail brochure
PDF: Max G. Geier, (1948-2000) Necessary Work: Discovering Old Forests, New Outlooks, and Community on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest

A Prairie Home Companion in Eugene

A Prairie Home Companion came to the Cuthbert Amphitheater in Eugene this weekend (Saturday June 6th). If you don’t know what PHC is, it’s an old time radio show hosted by Garrison Keillor. The show features funny segments like The News From Lake Wobegon (Keillor’s fictional home town), stories of Guy Noir (private detective), other great stories, live music, and guests. This weekend’s show featured guest musicians Elvin Bishop and Sam Bush, along with the Portland Cello Project. It was a great show with clear 82° weather; we got a lot of sun.

There were some cycling related jokes in this episode. It turns out Guy Noir is called to Eugene to help organize a “Naked Motorcade” to show that motorists are vulnerable too.
Here is the script, and MP3 of this segment.

You can listen to the full episode right here, MP3, show details here.

Here are some photos from our day.
A Prairie Home Companion Garrison Keillor in a white suit.
82° not a cloud in the sky.
Burning Legs A Prairie Home Companion Ending
CAT Hard workers at the bike valet

Also here are some videos from the episode.