Tag Archives: Mt Pisgah

When I Wasn’t Posting

I haven’t been posting a lot lately, not because I haven’t been doing anything. If anything it’s because I have been doing too much. With the winter months coming, the day light is getting short, but I still find lots to do. Here are some photos from things Angel and I have been up to, but haven’t had time to post.
Afternoon at the bookstore. Nice late night mug of hot carocoa. (Carob, chocolate free)
Spent some time trying to make my grandma’s recipe for pizzelle vegan for Angel. It worked out alright, although they ended up a little more crunchy then they should be. I still need to spend some time tweaking it. I ended up making 2 batches, the first batter failed miserably. *reminder to self, don’t use the solid fat from coconut milk, It just melts everywhere, and doesn’t work.
Pizzelle Time First Pizzelles of the season
I got some new rain gear for this winter season. Showers Pass makes great rain gear, the Club Convertible 2 Pants, and Club Shoe Cover are the new addition with my rain cape. The pants and shoe covers work awesome. My good old rain cape on the other hand, hasn’t ever really held up to heavy wind and rain. Maybe someday I will replace the cape with something nicer, but until then my rain cape is great for shorter rides around the city, and my rain pants and booties will do their job well.
All rain geared up this morning. End of the day.
We spent some time hiking around Mount Pisgah Arboretum. With a nice break in the weather that day, we spent a couple hours exploring around. You can watch a video of the trip in my post from yesterday, or here on YouTube.
Untitled Interesting white hairy moss looking fungi?
Oak Gall Angel
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
Mushroom from below Untitled
It looks like a painting Untitled
The days around Thanksgiving were spent cleaning and setting up our Christmas tree. My mom sent me all my ornaments so we had something to hang on our tree this year. And we just lazed around a bit.
Christmas Tree Lit and Ornamentized. This is how Angel naps
I had some time to organize my work space, hang out with friends a little, meet new friend, play with tesla coils, and go to the library. What could be better?
Our new dishes. Thanks Mom, Kyle and Brooke. Blackberry Forest Soda, strong color, strong amazing taste.
Tesla Coil fun with a fluorescent light bulb at the Eugene Maker Space. My work shop put together and organized.
@shanerh @EugeneSRTS , Hello, if I don't see you inside the library today. Thought I lost my Ortlieb shoulder strap while coming home from work. To my surprise it was at home the whole time, just where I left it.
Angel made some great baklava!  It was the first time I ever had it, it was delicious, so tasty and sweet. I don’t normally eat too much sugar, and after having a bit I felt a little rush. *After writing that last sentence, I must go to the fridge and eat some more. **reminder to self, don’t eat more then one piece, again, too much sugar.
Baklava, Angel's first time making it. First time I tried it. Results are good.

Angel and Her Videos

Angel has been spending a lot of time over the past year taking video footage and teaching herself to edit them. In November she even spoke at an event in Seattle, talking about how easy it is to take and edit videos with whatever gear you have.

Along with taking photos, Angel started taking some simple video with her basic Canon Powershot SD1400 IS. The camera took pretty nice video, 720p HD. She used the camera every day and it has the wear marks to show for it.

Angel's old Canon SD1400 IS
She replaced the camera in April, after the camera focusing motor started to act up and make weird noises, a couple weeks after that she accidentally dropped the camera, cracking the screen. It was time for a new one, so she bought the Canon Powershot 110HS. This was a nice up grade for her. Allowing for full 1080p HD video shooting. She has taken a lot of great photos and videos with the camera. This is what she currently uses for almost everything.
Angel's Canon Powershot 110HS
Along with those cameras, she also occasionally uses the  GoPro HD Hero I picked up at an REI Garage Sale last year. We have been able to take a lot of great video with this.
My new camera poll worked out pretty well on today's trip.
With the use of these cameras, and her MacBook Pro with iMovie, she is able to make these great little videos. In the past couple weeks she has made some of my favorite videos.

In Monday Tradition, she simply filmed what she did on Mondays, when she’s not at school, and I’m at work. Featuring one her favorite places to get vegan biscuits and gravy, Wandering Goat.

Mount Pisgah Hike, last week we spent a couple short hours, while it was dry out, hiking around Mount Pisgah.

Winter Soup, This is a great short little video of her making soup. She makes a big pot of soup almost every week, then eats it thought the week. A friend had asked her how she makes it. She had a great creative way to share it with them. You can read about it, and see the recipe HERE.

You can watch more of Angel’s great videos by going to my BreadBikeBlog YouTube Channel. Most the videos on there have been made by Angel. Some she helped me with, but now because of her I can help shoot video footage and help her produce great videos.